
The most commonly seen rejection reasons for a business loan

March 1, 2025
4 mins read

When applying for a small business loan, it's important to be aware of the most common reasons for rejection. Understanding these rejection reasons can help you prepare for the loan application process and ensure that you provide lenders with the best possible information. Here are the most common reasons for loan rejection:

1. Inconsistent submitted information

2. Business without substantive operations

3. The guarantor(s) have applied for other business loans

4. Applying multiple loans in a short period of time

5. Change of the shareholder(s) or director(s) before the application

6. The guarantor(s)' credit history or the company’s credit history is not favourable.

7. Insufficient cashflow for covering the prospective repayment amount

8. Outdated financial statements

9. Unclear business plan

10. Unstable source of funding for repayment

Knowing the most common reasons for loan rejection can help you better prepare for the loan application process. By understanding these rejection reasons, you can make sure that you provide lenders with the best possible information and increase your chances of approval.