In 2022, small businesses MUST take advantage of all government funding and grants. We deep dive into the $800k government grant that can help you promote your business, the SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF)
With tightened COVID-19 restrictions in Hong Kong, being held hostage at home does not mean your business should stop growing and scaling.
The government funding SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF) is more relevant today than ever before. This funding is focused on helping you expand to markets outside of Hong Kong by funding your promotional activities. (Yes, this can include your Facebook and Instagram ads)
Let's break down the essentials.
✅ Non-listed Hong Kong companies with main business operations in Hong Kong.
❌ Non-profit organisations (NGOs) are not eligible.
❌ Shell business are not eligible. Companies with main business operations outside of Hong Kong are not eligible.
Funding ceiling per application
The maximum amount of funding support for each successful claim is 50% of the total approved expenditure or $100,000, whichever is the less.
Cumulative funding ceiling per company
Each company has a cumulative limit of $800,000. Up to 50% of this can be used for expenses related to online marketing initiatives.
Want to skip all of the above? We are happy to help!
Simply send us a message on WhatsApp. We can lift the administrative burden off you, so you can skip to the best part ➔ get funding.
1. Create or enhance your website/mobile platform.
Without a website, people may question your legitimacy as a business. Having a website is an opportunity to make a great first impression. Boost your Click-through Rate and lay the foundation for future digital marketing.
2. Advertise online.
Reach new customers and grow your business with ad placements with Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram. Drive awareness and engagement and turn your advertising investment into revenue.
3. Advertise with Keyword search.
Determine the search terms that are most relevant to your business’s offerings. Create ad campaigns with your target keywords.
4. Participate in online exhibitions.
Increase visibility and attract a global audience with virtual exhibitions. Generate leads and boost sales in a foreign market.
FundFluent provides one-stop services for SMEs, from registering a company to finding funds. We can even help you with your strategy to make the most out of the EMF grant.
Create an account with FundFluent and get more information now!